Author: Naluda Magazine

If you’re someone who loves fashion and picking the perfect outfit for every occasion, packing for a vacation can become a real challenge. From family vacations where you go to dinner shows and attractions to girls’ trips when you’re planning on sitting by the pool and having dinners out, you might always feel like you want to bring too many outfits. With that in mind, below, we put together some of the biggest packing mistakes to avoid. Make sure you’re able to have the clothes that will make an impression without overpacking or overpaying for luggage. Packing Every Item You…

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Check out our interview with popular Spanish DJ and producer B JONES who just released her new hit song “I Fall In Love,” and will be playing at the Tomorrowland Main Stage, which will make her the first ever Spanish artist to play the main stage! Originally slated to play this historic set in 2020 (which was postponed due to the pandemic) B JONES used this time to start an online music academy where she could motivate other young artists not to give up, teaching them her tricks, as well as doing 1:1 couching, online parties and a bootcamp with…

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Check out our interview with popular fashion model and influencer Bee! Follow Bee @hellobarbee Hi Bee, please tell us a little about you? Hello! My name is Bee from @hellobarbee. I am a Fashion Model and Influencer based in Southern California. I have been modeling for numerous years and have grown through all my experiences. Modeling exudes confidence, and I love that I’ve been able to use it to inspire younger girls to love and embrace themselves, regardless of their shape, color, or size. In addition to modeling, I am a Real Estate Professional and am pursuing my Master’s Degree…

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For anyone with a diagnosis of lipedema hanging over their head, it’s not an easy experience. Any kind of health challenge can be disheartening, especially when there’s seemingly no cure. However, lipedema can be managed, especially when you understand it. Here are some things you should know about a lipedema condition: Learn about the condition What is lipedema? Maybe your doctor expressed concern about a possible diagnosis, or you’ve already been diagnosed. Basically, it’s an abnormal distribution of fat that usually develops in your legs but can sometimes occur in your arms as well. It’s typically something that impacts women…

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Most people have probably lived in a tiny bedroom at some point, which is not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, given a choice, many would rather sleep in a cozy tiny room than spend nights in a cavernous space. However, when you have a lot of clutter, it can easily overwhelm a space, displacing the feeling of rejuvenation and retreat that a bedroom is supposed to provide. Notably, small bedrooms are uniquely challenging to design and decorate because of one essential piece of large furniture, the bed. Lack of space doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your sense of…

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No one ever expects to be in a car accident. But if you are, it can be a life-changing event – especially if it affects your ability to live the life you want. If you’ve been in a car accident that has seriously affected your lifestyle, it’s important to know how to handle the situation. This guide will give you some tips on what to do in the aftermath of a serious car accident. Seek medical attention The first thing you need to do is seek medical attention. If you are experiencing any pain or discomfort, it is important to…

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Discrimination is the unfair treatment of a person based on the groups or classes to which they belong. When somebody’s characteristics or identities are used against them, it describes discriminatory behavior, and this can happen anywhere. Unfortunately, discrimination occurs in the workplace by employers and employees alike. Certain employees can be treated unfairly or excluded from certain workplace activities due to a range of different factors. Common types of discrimination include unfair treatment due to age, disability, language, nationality, race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, gender identity, or sexual orientation. There are many anti-discrimination laws and legislation to protect employees against unfair…

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The beautiful gemstone amethyst prides itself with its purple color which is considered a symbol of spirituality, creativity and nobility. In the world of minerals, it’s hard to confuse amethysts with any other stone and this is because amethysts are one of the few pure purple gemstones found in nature. Among their undeniable advantages is the fact that although their beauty rivals that of the most precious gemstones, they themselves are very affordable. This is because amethyst deposits are scattered all over every continent in the world. A favorite gemstone of the ancient Greeks The history of amethysts is full…

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